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Relationship Issues

Relationship Issues Anyone?

"Trust is built in the smallest of moments" (John Gottman)

Do you ever find that you are having trouble picking the right friends or partner in your life? Have you noticed that you start a relationship or friendship and then you either end up getting ghosted, or entangled in a toxic relationship or being left feeling used and dismissed while still engaging in the relationship? Have you wondered to yourself why do I attract the same type of people? Why do they say let's hang out but then I get ignored? Why do I get comments that I am clingy or overreacting? Is it me? What am I doing wrong here?

If you starting over after you've invested  in a relationship that went extremely wrong. Or lived a life in which you gave one too many chances to someone/s who after time changed in such a way that it was scary. Then you are at the right place, at the right time, reading this all so familiar experience. 

If anything you just read sounds familiar to you then I can help with changing that script and viewpoint, if you are ready to do so. We sometimes don't realize that we are caught in an unhealthy cycle with who we decided to share our life with. Then when we experience different levels of rejection we are left feeling gutted, angry, hurt, desperate and lonely. 

I specialize in helping those who invest in toxic harmful relationships and want to break out of that cycle. I understand the small underlying fear is not wanting to "lose everyone" or "I don't want to be alone". My goal is to help you to not lose yourself, nor your self-confidence and gain self-awareness along the way. I can help you learn how to regain trust in yourself to know how to navigate relationships from a non-fearful perspective. Together we can put away that "not good enough" mindset. You are worth it, loveable and your people are out there that want your connection and companionship. 

If you are ready to understand yourself in a relationship, I am here to help you through.

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